Monday 13 April 2020


Chapter 1 Integers
integers:- together the positive numbers 0 and negative numbers are called integers 
  ....,...,-3, - 2, -1,0,1,2,3.....
 negative numbers go to the left of zero
 positive Number go to the right of zero
 the opposite of an integer is the integer which is at the same distance from zero  but in the opposite
direction on the number line.
The integer pairs,(-6,6),(-5,5),(-4,4),(-3,3),(-2,2),(-1,1) are opposite of each other.
Also , for any integer a,
          -(-a)=+a.         -(+a)=-a
The numbers 2,-2,4,-5,0,-1 put in order from lowest to highest are -5,-2,-1,0,2,4.
The numbers -3,8,-4,-6,3,2 put in order from highest to lowest are 8,3,2,-3,-4,-6.
Absolute Value of an integer :-
The  absolute value of a number is the distance between 0 and the number on the number line.
 Distance is always a positive quantity.
Absolute  value is represented by a vertical bars on each side of the number, I.e., absolute value of a
a is | a |.
 Examples :- | -18|=18.     |27|=27.   
   -| -615|=-615.       -|100|=-100
 properties of addition and subtraction of integers
1.Closure property: Integers  are closed under addition and subtraction is the sum and difference of
integers is an integer 
Addition.               Subtraction
4+8=12                       6-3=3
(-6)+(-8)=-14             4-8=-4
(-12)+16=4.              (-6)-(-8)=2
24+(-40)=-16.           (-7)-9=-16
2.Commutative property:  addition is commutative for  integers while subtraction is not commutative for
integers. If A and B are integers,then A+B =B+A but A-BB-A
(-4)+8=8+(-4) =4
6-55-6 as 1-1
(-4)-88-(-4) as -1212
(-11)-(-7)-7-(-11) as -44
3.Identity property:  0 is the additive identity for integers.
if a is an integer, then a + 0 = 0 + a =a
examples: 0+5=5+0=5 , 0+(-8)=(-8)+0=-8
4.Associative property:  Associative property holds  good for addition of integers whereas associative
property does not hold good for subtraction of integers.
If a,b and c are integers, then 
Examples,: (-6)+[5+(-3)]=(-6)+(2)=-4
Hence, (-6)+[5+(-3)]=[(-6)+5]+(-3)
5.Additive inverse: The  additive inverse of an integer a is the integer (-a),
such that a+(-a) (-a)+a=0.
Example: the additive inverse of 4 is -4 and -46 is 46.

Complete lesson 1

Complete Exercise 2.4

Chapter 3 Data Handling

Complete exercise 3.3

Simple Equations Introduction
Exercise 4.2
Read and understand

Read and BH transversal line

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